Latest Stories
Looking for Something to Do in London? Here’s Your Holiday Bucket List
The holidays are coming, and London has no shortage of fun to offer.
Shape Futures, Build Friendships: Volunteer for REACH
Looking for a volunteer position? Make a lasting impact on London’s youth!
A Step Ahead: Master AI With the USC
“I’m completely optimistic about the future of AI.”
When Housing Goes Wrong, Know Your Rights
Living in London as a student is not always easy. USC External Affairs has your back.
What is USC Voice?
USC Voice is the University Students’ Council’s brand journalism platform. Through USC Voice, we share stories with students that otherwise go unheard. It’s a place where we highlight the impact of USC’s services and operations, helping students discover who we are, what we do, and why we exist. Everything we do at the USC is to enhance the educational experience and quality of life for all undergraduates at Western University.
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Learn more here.