What Campus Community taught me about Student Life
The one thing that makes Western stand apart from all other universities in this country is our incredible student experience. Compared to other institutions, our programming, services, and student life is far above the standard.
Although we are constantly striving to make improvements, and the student experience isn’t perfect, you can find your place here at Western. There is a reason why people all over the world specifically choose this place. The community that has been formed here is unlike any other, and it’s this same community that taught me all about what it means to be a student.
In the USC, there are over 200+ clubs, 13,000+ students engaged, and endless opportunities to get involved. We have something for just about everyone, so I always encourage people to get involved and find a place for themselves. It made the world’s difference for me. In my first year, I jumped headfirst into the student experience. Joining clubs like SPUR, CAISA, BSA, ASA, Model UN, UNICEF, FL&S, and so many more. I began modeling for the Gazette, the Purple Store, and Western. On top of that I held a position in the USC as the King’s Representative.
Safe to say I was quite busy, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way because it was these communities that taught me everything there is to know about this campus. They showed me a million different ways to be a student, and they inspired me to make a difference. As you may already know, my presidential slogan was Together for Tomorrow, and the truth behind it was that I wanted to connect all the small communities that I’ve joined to each other.
Throughout my five years at Western, I’ve noticed that we are all separated into our own particular groups. All things considered there is nothing wrong with that, however I believe that in order to have the most fulfilling student experience, every student needs to be able to say, “this is my home, I belong here”.
The only way to create that sense of belonging is to ensure that we are providing students with the best opportunities and the most rewarding relationships. I encourage anyone reading this to get involved in whatever interests you. You quite literally have no idea where your path will go. Who knows, you could even be the next USC President.